Thanks for stopping by to meet our Angel Aaron Micheal.  Take your time and we hope you signed the guest book to let us know you were here. :)

     We found out on Christmas Day of 97' that we were gonna have an addition to our family. We already had a 2 year old daughter.  We were surprised cause it wasn't planned, but we were still so excited and happy. 

    We went to my first doctors appointment on January 23,1998. This is when we got the surprise of our life. "WE WERE HAVING TWINS!" This was a big shock to us both. We never dreamed we would be having twins. Twins didn't run in my family. My husband's second cousin had twin boys. Everyone was so happy for us and couldn't believe the news either.

     As the time pasted I got so much more impatient. I wanted to see my babies, and hold them both and love them. They did an ultrasound almost each visit I went to. They kept a good check on the babies. They grew good and didn't have any problems. They were both right on schedule. So we were tickled at this. Boy when they both started to moving it was very different. Having one moving on each side at the same time...or one move and one not and then they switch. This was so great! I had one moving all the time seemed like. One of them had their days and nights mixed up. One would move at night and one would move during the day. So I was up around the clock it seemed like. I could get one to slow down and let me sleep and then the other one would start. I wouldn't have changed it for the world though. 

    They did an ultrasound at 6 months to find out what they were for me and make sure everything looked ok. They found out one was a boy for sure. So my hubby was so happy. I was also cause we had a girl and I wanted a boy this time. Well they just couldn't get the other baby to turn over and let them see so we were just gonna have to guess. We didn't really mind as long as everything was alright

    I went in premature labor at 32 weeks. They gave me the steroid shots to stop it. They got it stopped but they still kept me over night cause my contractions were still regular ..but not hurting me. They check and did an ultrasound and found that one of the babies were head down and the other one was breech. So they said they would have to do a c-section if they didn't both turn head down. I didn't mind cause I wanted a c-section anyway. I didn't want to go through the labor and delivery. I guess I was just a little lazy. The next day they sent me home with some pills to take so the labor wouldn't start again. Still didn't find out what the other baby was. Just have to wait.   

     My husband and I talked to the doctor about me having a c-section cause of my asthma. He said there was not a problem with me having one if that is what we wanted. So they set me up for August 20,.1998, 2 weeks early. I was so glad to have a set time and not have to constantly wonder of when they were coming. They did another ultrasound this doctor appointment and found that I was having a boy and girl. This was every girl's dream to have a boy and girl. I was so happy. I was gonna have a boy and two girls. What more could you want?  

     August 20,1998 came and my husband took me in that morning at 8:00am. They were supposed to start my c-section at 10:00am. They didn't have me done prepped in time so it threw me behind in getting in there. I was so impatient and wanted to get it over. I wanted to see my babies both in my arms and be able to see their little face and see the little persons that was in there kicking me all the time. At 10:48am the first baby was born. "It was a boy!" They let my husband hold him and hold him over for me to see. We both just looked at him in amazement and cried. He looked just like my husband. When he came out though he didn't have a loud cry but the doctors didn't seem to worry about it. Then they took him to his warmer and then the other baby was born exactly one minute later . "It was A Girl!" We got to see her to. The nurse just held her over there for us to see so they could get her in the warmer ..cause she was a lot smaller than her brother. Only she had a loud cry. They let my husband carry both to the nursery when they got them wrapped up in their blankets. He was so proud he grinned from ear to ear when he left that room. He was so happy to have them here with us to. We named the boy Aaron Micheal and the girl Ashley Danielle. 

     My husband came back in a few minutes but they had done moved me to the recovery room. Also they nurse came and let me know how much they weighed. The little girl weighted 7lbs and the boy weighed 7lbs 15 oz. They were so big. The nurses couldn't believe that they were twins and that big. Well my husband had told me that Aaron was having some trouble breathing and his colors weren't changing like they wanted. I was so worried but he assured me that this was nothing major to worry about. They had had to put him in the critical care side of the nursery so they could give him oxygen. I was so worried I just cried. The baby girl was doing great she was the smallest but she was doing great! I was happy of this. They let me see them in the window of the nursery as they took me to my room. Aaron was still in the other side and Ashley was in the well side.

     They let me have Ashley that night in my room ..but had to keep Aaron in the nursery so they could watch him. They had found that his heart rate was going to fast for him. This worried them. On top of his little chest jerked when he would cry, move, or get excited. This wasn't right either. So they didn't let me have him in my room. They said it was to risky and dangerous from him. I was so worried. They did let me see him that night in the nursery. I got to rub his little feet and leg. I told him momma loved him and couldn't wait until he got better so she could hold them both.      

     The next morning they came to tell me they were gonna have to transport him to a new hospital in Winston cause he had a very rough night. I cried and cried, and got so upset. They did let me go in and hold him that morning before they left with him. He was so big compared to his sister. I held him and her both for the first time that morning. I looked back and forth telling them both I loved them and telling Aaron mommy was so sorry she couldn't help him. Then they sent me back to my room so they could get him ready to go. I cried and cried. The girls that came to get him were very nice. They brought him in for me to say good bye and tell him I love him. They explained all they had on him and what they were gonna do all the way to the hospital. Then they left.

     I was not able to see him for 2 days but his daddy went down every day to make sure he was alright. Ashley and I didn't get out of the hospital until Sunday and they took him on Friday. I missed him so very much. I cried constantly and called all the time to check on him.     They found out when they got him down there he had Hypo plastic Left Heart Syndrome. This is where the left side of his heart wasn't developed fully and they had to do surgery or we would lose him. So they gave us a 70/30 chance for him to make it. That was so scary cause Aaron was such a sick baby boy. It broke both of our hearts to know he was so sick. The morning of his surgery he was laying there awake at 4:00am when me and his daddy got down there to see him. It was so funny cause he was laying there awake and we hadn't saw his eyes but one time and that was when he was born. He had then wide open that morning looking around. They had kept him sedated until the surgery that way he didn't put strain on his heart. I ran over to see him and he would look around the other way. I got so mad ..I told him he didn't want momma to bust his butt before surgery. (ha ha) He was looking for his daddy. Every time i would get in front of his daddy he would look the other way for his daddy...I thought that was cute but he could have acted like he missed and wanted to see  me to.    

    He came through surgery doing good. They said he fooled them. They were really scared what would happen when they took him off of the heart and lung machine. He did great. His heart did great! Started back all by itself. We were so happy and so relieved. He did so good for the first couple days. They told us he had so many things to get through before he was out of the woods. He made it through them closing his chest up and taking out the draining tube, and almost of the vent and he started having complications. We almost lost him twice but they got him back. Then the third time he wasn't as lucky. They called us that day he passed away and told us to come down. When we got down there he was not doing good. They worked with him for 55 minutes but no luck. WE got to hold him for almost 2 1/2 hours after he died. I just held him and told him i loved him and that I would see him again someday. It wasn't easy to let him go that night ..but I knew he would never hurt again. He was in heaven as an angel with beautiful angel wings. He went to be an angel on September 6,1998 at 7:55 pm at Winston Salem at Baptist hospital.. We miss him so very much and he still lives in his twin sister Ashley everyday. I can see his sweet face in her all the time. I know he will always be with her to help her through for the rest of her life. We love you Aaron ! Love, Daddy, Mommy, Brittany, Ashley and all your friends and family.


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